For many, working a 9-5 job or one with inflexible hours is just reality. Once something disrupts our flow, such as having children, we realize…hey, wait a minute. There are other, higher priority things I want to be doing with my time. 

This was the predicament of today's guest Salome Schillack, CEO/Founder of Shine and Succeed. Working as a pharmaceutical rep, Salome was tired of choosing between her income and her family. After attempting a coaching business, Salome dove into online course creation. (which by the way, she quit after her first course launch was not what she anticipated - more on that in this episode).  Salome now has a multiple six-figure Facebook ads agency, a membership, and online courses…all which serve the online course creator niche.

Discussion Highlights:

The Start

The rise and fall of an online coaching businessLaunching her first online course for $2,000 in revenue after only spending $400 on Facebook ads…and quitFrom Facebook ads side hustle to the start of a full Facebook ads agency

The Education

B-SchoolAmy Porterfield's suite of coursesAny digital marketer and Facebook ads trainings she could get her hands onPodcasts, podcasts, podcasts

The Growth

Free clients from Facebook group networkingStarted charging $500 a month, then $750, then $1500, then more to manage adsNow has an full scale agency with employees and amazing clientsNiched down to serve digital course creators to build and scale their entire business with adsWord of mouth referrals, course launch ads

 The Strategy 

Mission to help people get out of their jobs and not have to choose between a 9-5 job or being home with the kids Adjust their model to not run as an agency, has online courses and memberships tooCreated the original Shine Show with female entrepreneurs and broadcasted from her phoneFirst course was Facebook Live Superstar Worked with online course creators as ads managers, saw the backend of people 20 steps ahead of her

 The Shift

Launched a course, A-Lister, during COVID-19From key learnings, pivoted to a membershipHelp students start earlier at a lower dollar value, so that over the course of a few months they get sustainable long term results

 The Action

Create your ad account, setup your pixel, set up your custom audiencesRun engagement ads consistently in the background, all the timeBuild engagement, then build email list, and then build your launchesCreate lead magnets that solve a problem that your ideal customer wants solved

The Mindset

Grateful for lessons learned and to learn; know you have learned enough now to keep goingThe pros talk about the same thing for years, gaining masteryDaily routine: Meditation, journaling, exercise Save social media and email for later - get to the meat of your day first thing

 The Future

Teach women to create more autonomy by creating more income, have more freedomGrow the membership of students learning and using ads to make an impactTeach students to be ads managers for online course creators

The Wrap-Up

If you could listen to only one music artist for the rest of your life, who would it be? Beyonce

Where can people find you online?
