You know when you meet someone and in the first five minutes you're like, 'oh yeah, we're gonna be friends'? That's Jamie Trull. (by the way, her name is not pronounced 'troll' and I know that…but listening to this in playback I totally pronounced it like that! Why?!) Anyway. Jamie is a corporate CFO and CPA-turned entrepreneur. 

After working for years for corporations with 90 hour work weeks during multi-billion dollar mergers, she had an epiphany - time is the most valuable commodity. She started her own company, Balance CFO, picking up multiple clients along the way. When she found that going out on her own resulted in multiple bosses instead of just the one at a corporate job, she started looking more seriously at digital courses. Jamie's heart is with small business owners, and her passion is to educate them on financial literacy and maximizing their profits to pay themselves more.

Discussion highlights:

The Male-Female Finance Divide

The huge difference between how genders approach businessThe financial knowledge gap of women small business ownersThe staggering '40% and 4%' statistic every small business owner should know…and change

Relatable Financial Literacy

The market for fun, relatable finance educationLeaving client work behind for profitable digital coursesLetting go of the money shame spiral

 1 to 1 vs. 1 to Many

The power of scalability and impactServing a larger audience through digital coursesHow she landed a spot on Amy Porterfield's top business podcast, 'Online Marketing Made Easy'The complete transformation of business and life in one year

Niche Down or Niche Up?

Starting with a very niche course ideaNiching up to a service your audience needsListening to clients, group membersIdentifying a process that could become a course

 Exponential Growth Amidst COVID-19

Grew her Facebook group from 5,000 to over 28,000 members in 4 monthsShifting content to serve finance needs due to the pandemicIdentifying a need to educate small business owners through PPP, SBA loans and more

The Art of Supplying Value and the Sale

Showed up for her group consistently, educating via Facebook LivesRealized new members needed a back to basics business finance courseLaunched a $179 course, sold over 860, earned six-figuresSold the course before building it to gauge interest

Cornerstones of a Six-Figure Digital Course Launch

The critical piece of content marketingTap into what members of your Facebook group needShow up consistently and give value for freeLeverage Facebook group for list buildingGrowing an email list from 0 to over 24,000 within a yearThe sales mindset shift

Moving Forward - Goals and Visions

Focus on automation to continue creating her ideal lifestyleMaintain flexibility, especially through COVID-induced virtual learning

Muscle Creative Wrap-Up

If you could listen to only one music artist for the rest of your life, who would it be? The Hamilton Soundtrack

Where can people find you online?

Financial Literacy for Women Business Owners Facebook GroupBalance CFO Facebook Business PageYouTubeInstagramWebsite