In this week’s episode of SMACtalk, hosts Brian Fanzo and Daniel Newman had the opportunity to speak with Pegasystems CTO, Don Schuerman, part of Pega Systems leadership team. During this show we explored Robotics and Automation in the workplace.

Perhaps one of the most discussed topics in business today is the role that automation will have on jobs. There is an increasing concern that automation and robots will replace the workforce. We wanted to know if this was the case so this is exactly what was discussed with Don’s interview on SMACtalk.  

During this episode, Don provided insights on the following questions:

Give an overview on what is "Robotics Automation"  Explain robotics process automation and robotics desktop automation How will work change due to RPA and RDA? Can this be positive for people? (fear of automation etc.) How advanced is Robotics Automation today and when do you think we will see this make a big leap into our day to day life? What are some specific ways Robotics Process Automation is helping lead digital transformation? What are your big predictions for the future of work in the next 1, 3, 5 years?

Some highlights include Don explaining the difference in some of the automation terminology such as Robotics Process Automation versus Robotics Desktop Automation. Don did a particularly good job of helping provide clarity as to what robotics and automation really mean, versus what many perceive. This may seem a bit funny, but many people who think about robotics, think about cyborgs that are sharing their work environment. Don helped clarify that this is not the case!

Want to know more? Throughout this episode of SMACtalk, Don continually answers the challenging questions that are thrown his way while providing useful insights for anyone interested in learning more about Automoation, Robotics and the future of work.

Tune in, check it out and enjoy the episode!

Disclaimer: This episode was sponsored in part by Pegasystems. To learn more about Pega, visit them at

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