We all are hearing about the impact that IoT and Analytics are having on the way we shop, however, by the time the consumer is seeing the impact of these groundbreaking technologies, they have already potentially had a major role in how the products and services were made and brought to market. This is because we have entered an era of the "Connected Supply Chain," and while many consumers don't fully grasp how this impacts their life, it does, in a big way. In this exciting episode of SMACtalk, co-hosts Daniel Newman and Brian Fanzo sat down with Roger Thomas who is the Principal Consultant for Connected Supply Chain at SAS Software. This conversation gives listeners an overview of the connected supply chain and helps business leaders get a handle on what leading companies are doing with their supply chain, how they are embracing technology to take their business to the next level and how companies can plan to embrace what is possible thanks to Analytics and IoT. 

§  What are the latest IOT developments that supply chain leaders need to take note of?

§  How do you avoid the traps of the ‘IOT science projects’ which fail to deliver value to the business?

§  How should supply chain leaders structure their IOT initiatives to create a competitive advantage for their business?

§  What roles can IOT play in supporting your organizations IBP and S&OP initiatives?

§  What key metrics should supply chain leaders be watching to measure the effectiveness of their supply chain IOT initiatives?

Be sure to download and tune into this episode of SMACtalk brought to you in partnership with SAS Software. We promise it is full of learnings that all business leaders can leverage in planning the future of their organizations.