Re-evaluating how your super is invested can have a huge impact on mitigating the effects of the climate emergency. Why... because most people are invested in the companies that are responsible for climate destruction. The broader Superannuation system is currently worth about $3 trillion. By 2038, it is projected to be worth $10 trillion. With that size comes immense power. Have you ever thought to engage with your super fund and ask, “what are you doing about the climate crisis?” It’s one small step towards influencing massive change. When it comes to healthcare professionals, we are committed to a better world, but this needs to include our actions outside of the hospital. As healthcare providers, we don't want to support the Tobacco industry, we wouldn't want to invest in Asbestos and equally, we shouldn't be letting our super finance the fossil fuel industry. It is confronting to think that we may be profiting from our super being invested in companies that are huge carbon polluters. We cannot stand idle and be indifferent, we must take action. Stay tuned and watch or listen for more...

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