In this episode, we tackle the climate crisis and the subsequent threats to health. We examine the positive impacts that Covid has had on the climate emergency, in reduced energy demands and reduced oil prices. We’ve seen financial institutions start to sit up and take notice of the knock-on effect the climate emergency has on their bottom line.. Australia is a laggard when it comes to climate change, but, countries such as India are moving forward in leaps and bounds towards a Net Zero goal. Healthcare workers need to unite globally to put pressure on Governments and institutions to make change for the better. One such institution is superannuation organisations. This giant is projected to be worth $10 trillion by 2038. Putting pressure on super funds, asking what they are doing about the climate crisis, is one way we will be able to make a difference. On the other hand, institutions such as the NHS are committed to reaching a Net Zero target by 2040. Why are they doing this? Well, they have listened to the science which says that climate change is the biggest health threat of the 21st century. This is no longer something that we can ignore, this is no longer something that we can afford to be complacent about. These are very real threats which we need to address today. Tune in to be inspired and help change for the better. Action feels better than anxiety.

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