Happy New Years everybody! I didn't realize this until Facebook told me, but its been a year since Ep. 1 was released. It took some time for the podcast to figure out what it was going to be, now after having a number of brewers and people involved in the craft beer industry on the podcast I can't wait to see who I will talk to in the year 2016.

To start the year off right I sit down with Chelsea Piner, the new head brewer at the first Micro brewery in Detroit, Traffic Jam and Snug. Chelsea has a great beer background, starting off as a bar tender at Detroit Beer Company then moving out to San Diego to work with one of my favorite breweries, Stone Brewing. Now she is back in Detroit and she is bringing fresh ideas to the Traffic Jam. It was great talking with her, she is so knowledgeable about beer, she is a Cicerone Certified beer server work on her level 2 certification and just an awesome person. I can't wait to see what she does at Traffic Jam. After this interview tried the first Sour at the Traffic Jam and it was delicious! Head on down to Midtown Detroit and check out Traffic Jam and Snug and taste some of Chelsea's beers on tap.

As always you can join the conversation on my website BillsBeerReport.com or my facebook page, Facebook.com/BillsBeerReport. If Twitter and Instagram are more your speed check me out @BillsBeerReport. I am proud to be apart of the Tangent Bound Network. You can find this and every episode of Slurred Words on iTunes, SoundCloud, and Stitcher Radio. If you like what you hear, let me and everyone else know about it by rating and reviewing the episode on iTunes or your listening App of choice.

Big thanks to Son Step for the wicked theme music.

Now I would like to call this session to order by raising a glass to Chelsea and Traffic Jam and Snug, " To Slurred Speech and the Stories we Preach".