Have you ever wondered why the Slumscast hasn't been banned, or at least errata'd to limit one per deck? Join us and @ajar as we discuss the Standard Ban List and how metagames are shaped! We also put an entire format on blast and dig into the history of one of the game's most recognizable decks.

NOTE: This episode was recorded before the 21.06 ban list released, and we do not discuss its contents.


Apply to join NISEI: https://nisei.net/about/what-is-nisei/join/
League tracking dashboard on Github: https://github.com/doorisajar/gctl-tracking
Example of league tracking dashboard in action: https://raja.shinyapps.io/gctl-tracking/
Prepaid Kate links: https://forum.stimhack.com/t/kate-blitz-who-says-only-criminals-are-aggressive/764, https://forum.stimhack.com/t/kate-redefining-shaper-control-decks/938


If you have questions or comments, you can contact us at [email protected] or find us on Stimslack or Twitter:

@neuropantser (Stimslack/Twitter)

@Orbital Tangent (Stimslack)/@OrbitalTangent (Twitter)