Have you ever listened to the Slumscast and thought, "This sounds great, I just wish they were less coherent and the jokes were less well thought out"? If so, we have excellent news for you: the booziest episode of the Slumscast yet, starring @Ed, has arrived. We discuss: rating beer by completely normal categories like Palana-ness; serving food to Netrunner characters; and perhaps most importantly, the spiciest ships in the entire Netrunner lore.


- Deckin' Bamboozled: https://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/60099
- Merch: https://www.redbubble.com/i/t-shirt/Cut-The-Feed-by-slumscast/75208863.NL9AC


If you have questions or comments, you can find us on Stimslack or Twitter, or at [email protected].

@neuropantser (Stimslack/Twitter)
@orbital_tangent (Stimslack)/@OrbitalTangent (Twitter)