The Bay Area goes into lock-down mode to battle the coronavirus, and I survive my first day of homeschooling. Grade? C+
I talk about what worked, what didn't, wonder whether handwriting is a necessary skill or an unnecessary waste of time & blow off a little steam about how difficult it is to watch educational videos using Youtube with young children.

Today is Day 2 of the "No School Diary".

The Bay Area is shut down for coronavirus.
My oldest son wishes he were a Native American instead of a modern day suburbanite.
My middle son doesn't get to watch spider videos
I survive the day with some small victories and minor setbacks.
Finally, handwriting...worth it, or not?

Please share your feedback with me at [email protected] or @micahmerrick on Twitter.

For an ever growing list of resources to help your month of homeschooling, please visit:


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