Today, I’m excited to be announcing the creation of the world’s first podstation, Skill FM.

Last year, I hosted 24 episodes of the Skill Podcast. I’m proud of the guests that I’ve had on the show, and the progress that’s been made to highlight the new worlds of work and education that are being unleashed by technology. However, there is so much more that can be said on these topics, and we need more voices to help spread the word that the “future of work and education”, is now. 

To do this, one show isn’t enough. One podcast isn’t enough. To create a community of people that are changing the way we work and learn, we need more voices, and more shows. Just like the world of television has stations with many shows dedicated to news, travel, history, or entertainment, we need a station too. And now, we have one: Skill FM. 

Skill FM is a podstation, that will have many different shows about today’s innovations in work and education. If you subscribe to the Skill FM podstation, you’ll soon see many different shows that you can download and listen to, all within the same feed. 

I’ll soon be announcing the first show that will be hosted on Skill FM. In the coming weeks, you’ll see more and more shows appear in the Skill FM feed, including my own show, Skill, which will start up again next week.

Moving forward, you can download the shows that look interesting to you, or skip the ones that don’t. However, every show that appears on the podstation will be related to today’s innovations in work and education. 

If you want to be a part of this community moving forward, then Skill FM is the place for you. 

Please check out our new website at:


Become a member of Skill.FM today, to join a network of people interested in putting today's innovations in work and education into practice. Members support the creation of new content and help shape the future of the podstation.