It's time for colleges to share financial risk with students, and cosigning student loans is the logical place to start.

On the 9th episode of the Skill Podcast, Micah shares a conversation with Carlo Salerno, education economist and author of the article "Colleges Should Cosign Student Loans", published at Inside Higher Ed in June. Carlo has over 20 years of experience in Higher Ed as a researcher, entrepreneur, and now VP of Research for CampusLogic.  

Carlo and Micah discuss his idea in depth, and explore the degree to which colleges have "skin in the game" today, and why that isn't enough to drive the student outcomes we want. 

Throughout this conversation, Carlo and Micah cover the following topics:

Micah shares a surprising connection with Carlo
Carlo talks about his early studies in Economics & Education
Carlo talks about the early days of Income Share Agreements with Pave in 2012
Has “the moment” for Income Share Agreements finally arrived?
Federal loans vs. ISAs. 
Is more higher ed student loan "skin in the game" inevitable for higher ed? 
Carlo's idea to increase “skin in the game” for higher ed’s federally backed loans
Does higher ed already have “skin in the game”?
If so, is it a dial that we need to turn harder more?
Does higher ed today have the ability to control student outcomes?
Why colleges should be more like gyms and less like car factories
Translating educational experience to a job is extremely difficult
We need to ask hard questions about why universities struggle to achieve student outcome goals

Articles and Organizations mentioned on this podcast:

Carlo's 2016 Inside Higher Ed article, entitled "Skin in the Game"
Carlo's 2019 Inside Higher Ed article, entitled "Colleges Should Cosign Student Loans"

You can connect with Carlo about his research on Twitter @edanalyst OR at carlo DOT salerno AT

You can connect with Micah to share your thoughts about the Skill at micah "at" OR on Twitter @micahmerrick


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