In this episode, Mark brings on Matt LaMarsh, an Atlanta Real Estate Agent who continues to improve in his profession as well as life and more.  

While both have developed a good friendship together as well as a working relationship, none of this would have happened if they didn’t cross paths on the audio app Clubhouse.   It was there that a good bond was made because Matt as well as Mark had open minds about learning each others side of things.   

Agents and Appraisers somehow have a distinct lack of knowledge on what each offers in the process and the challenges they each face.   Through the clubhouse app, each were able to connect and form a bond, a bond of wanting to learn more about not only each other but what each side does.   

Matt is a wealth of knowledge, always striving to be better, but most of all how he continues to offer his knowledge, his time, his resources, but most of all himself to others out there.   

Have a listen to what inspired Matt, his journey and how he is becoming one of the top agents in the Atlanta Area.