Welcome to episode #644 of Six Pixels of Separation. 

I'm a big fan of the Thinkers50. It's a list of smart people who are (and have) made a significant difference in how we think about business and the work that we do today. Many of the past guests on Six Pixels of Separation are on the list. Dan Pontefract was kind enough to introduce me to one of the Thinkers50 co-founders, Stuart Crainer. Stuart is the former editor of London Business School’s award-winning magazine Business Strategy Review. His book credits include The Management Century and a biography of the management guru Tom Peters (Tom is a personal favourite "thinker" of mine!). He has taught in the International MBA at IE Business School and in executive education programs around the world, including the Strategic Leadership programme at Oxford University. Stuart is a Visiting Professor at Warwick Business School. He is also the author of Atlantic Crossing, based on his experiences sailing the Atlantic. So, who are some of the best thinkers of the day? What are they working on? What are some of the bigger trends in business today? Enjoy the conversation...

Running time: 1:01:39. Hello from beautiful Montreal. Subscribe over at iTunes. Please visit and leave comments on the blog - Six Pixels of Separation. Feel free to connect to me directly on Facebook here: Mitch Joel on Facebook. or you can connect on LinkedIn. ...or on Twitter. Here is my conversation with Stuart Crainer. Thinkers50. The Management Century. Atlantic Crossing. Follow Stuart on Twitter. This week's music: David Usher 'St. Lawrence River'.

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