Here it is: Six Pixels of Separation - Episode #643 - Host: Mitch Joel. I'm just a superfan nerd for all things Susan David. I thought that her 2016 book, Emotional Agility, was one of the smartest (and most relevant) books for individuals and leaders. I had the pleasure of connecting with Susan and becoming friends in the past short while. If you didn't know, Susan is an award-winning Psychologist on the faculty of Harvard Medical School, co-founder and co-director of the Institute of Coaching at McLean Hospital, and CEO of Evidence Based Psychology. Emotional Agility is a concept that Harvard Business Review heralded as a Management Idea of the Year (no joke), and has been featured... well... everywhere! An in-demand speaker, advisor, and coach, Susan has worked with the senior leadership of hundreds of major organizations, including the United Nations, Ernst & Young, and the World Economic Forum. Susan is also on the core faculty of the global program Homeward Bound, which culminates in an all-women expedition to Antarctica and is being filmed as a documentary. The program aims at increasing the influence and impact of women in the sciences. You should also check out her TED Talk, The gift and power of emotional courage (close to four million views!). I'm thrilled that she agreed to do this. Enjoy the conversation...

Running time: 49:15. Hello from beautiful Montreal. Subscribe over at iTunes. Please visit and leave comments on the blog - Six Pixels of Separation. Feel free to connect to me directly on Facebook here: Mitch Joel on Facebook. or you can connect on LinkedIn. ...or on Twitter. Here is my conversation with Susan David. Emotional Agility. The gift and power of emotional courage Evidence Based Psychology. Follow Susan on Twitter. This week's music: David Usher 'St. Lawrence River'.

Download the Podcast here: Six Pixels of Separation - Episode #643 - Host: Mitch Joel.


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