Previous Episode: Episode #95: Audra King

when I started growing a team, I thought I had to train them on everything because I knew it all. Or I would be aggravated that they didn’t know how to do it exactly like me because I knew the only good way to do it.  The only right way.  I would freak out if they messed up and used that as proof that I was the only one who could do these things and it was proof that I shouldn’t delegate.


Sound familiar?


Kelly's group coaching program:

The Facebook group:

Today I am here to remind you that you don’t know everything.  

I’m not saying that you have to admit this to your significant other but you need to admit this to yourself.

One of my favorite things about my agency is that I get to work together with like minded people. They have fresh eyes and different experiences. 

You will have to show them around yes and that’s what all those systems and processes are for.  But please remember to create a culture where your team feels like they can speak up and give suggestions.  Let them help you.  They will know things, different things, that can make the service you provide to your clients better and your business stronger.