I was the one with the laptop on vacation with my family just answering one more email.  I was the one with too many clients that were always on fire which stressed me out.  I was the one that really wanted to bring on help but had no idea how to even start. 

Since I started coaching, I would see these same things come up over and over.  I would see those overwhelmed business owners try to start an agency without any idea of what to do first or next.  There would be chaos.  There would be times where the agency owner would be working so hard and couldn’t pay themselves because all the money went right back out the door. 

I also found that some people that came to me for private coaching really needed more structure.  More step by step guidance to find their path to the agency they wanted to build, that worked for their lives.

1-on-1 coaching goes where the client needs it to go but sometimes I just want to roll out big chunky, strategic tools that help the kind of situations I used to be in because I know how painful those situations are.  My group coaching program is where I get to do that.


You can find out more about what I do by visiting Reynolds Online Agency.

You can find a link to the Get Your Agency Together program HERE.