Katie Suarez is a 5th generation Montanan with 20 years in the construction and building sector.  When she launched her company it was obvious that she’d be serving the sometimes gruff, always direct entrepreneurs of that space and their softer, kinder cousins from the design industry.


Today, ‘Kate’ empowers residential contractors and interior designers to uproot traditional ways of working and seamlessly transition brick and mortar offices and studios into virtual businesses. Her goal is to release the pressure felt by small business owners by partnering with them to take on all of their "business-y" responsibilities, so they can focus on what they truly love and do best!



07:25- When your ego gets in the way of letting other people do the work you need them to do.

11:10- How nitching down has given Katherine the ability to tell a client what they need just based on their current revenue.

20:07- How Kate gets clients

30:09- Hold on… is Katie married to Kelly?

31:01- Mistakes Kate made in the beginning.

35:24- How Kate puts her week together

40:11- Putting your neck on the line for your people