Through her experience as a caregiver, Nicky Sargant became an Alzheimer's ambassador, advocate and champion. She shares ways to improve the quality of life for those with Alzheimer's and has advice on how we can prevent the disease.

Follow Nicky on LinkedIn to learn more about Alzheimer's and how you can make a difference:

In this Episode:

1:45 - How being single allows you to give more and follow your passions and dreams

3:20 - Nicky's journey to caregiving for people with Alzheimer's

5:40 - What Nicky has learned from caregiving

13:20 - What we can do to prevent Alzheimer's

16:20 - Benefits of walking

19:45 - What we should know about people with Alzheimer's

25:45 - How music therapy works for Alzheimer's patients

32:10 - What to expect in Nicky's book

39:15 - How Nicky uses her LinkedIn to share information about Alzheimer's

More From Nicky Sargant, Alzheimer’s Ambassador, Advocate and Champion

Gathering like-minded people to aid, assist and support a change in mindset for the betterment of Mankind. Together and United, we can bring about this Global mindset change, improve people’s quality of life as we clean up our Planet, for our generation and those to come.

Every 3 seconds someone in the world develops Dementia, with Alzheimer’s being the most common type.

My prime goal, as an Alzheimer’s Ambassador, Advocate and Champion, is to promote an awareness leading to a change in mindset, eliminating the stigmas attached to Alzheimer’s.

My challenge and passion is to be a voice of the voiceless, petitioning for changes and improvements to UK and International Laws, policies and procedures, to eliminate discrimination and uphold Safeguarding in all its forms. An awareness and mindset change into the way our food is farmed and processed, eliminating the use of insecticides, pesticides and antibiotics, which is clearly evident through studies to be one of the major factors of Alzheimer’s and attributing to cognitive decline.

Alzheimer’s could affect you, me or our families at any stage. Unlike Cancer, medical research has found no cure for Alzheimer’s, however, it is possible to prevent, to some degree, by focusing on your well-being, health and food. The best medicine is sunshine, exercise, organic food, stimulation and social activity.

I am passionate about looking at ways to manage Alzheimer’s through modern approaches, promoting the importance and benefits of functional medicines, diet, sleep, exercise, music, dance and simulation. Treatments increasing the quality of life and well-being of people with Alzheimer’s, in some cases many significant changes have taken place.

Functional medicine has substantial advantages over conventional medicine, especially at a time when our current healthcare system is overwhelmed; patients are limited to just 15- minutes consultation. Functional medicine investigates the root cause/s and treats accordingly, rather than treating the symptoms. New studies and research show profound links between, molds, mental toxicity, Lyme disease and Alzheimer’s.

I encourage conversations and education, to removing the stigma and social shame attached to Alzheimer’s, adopting positivity, awareness, optimism, and above all, hope. I have first- hand experience of the impact Alzheimer’s has on a person, and how that same person through lifestyle changes could begin to relive their life to the fullest, with much joy and happiness, being social engaging despite their cognitive impairments.

As an Alzheimer’s Ambassador, I advocate “Safeguarding” individuals with Alzheimer’s, their rights to live in safety, free from abuse, neglect and discrimination, while protecting their human rights, health and well-being, as outlined in the Care Act...

Through her experience as a caregiver, Nicky Sargant became an Alzheimer's ambassador, advocate and champion. She shares ways to improve the quality of life for those with Alzheimer's and has advice on how we can prevent the disease.

Follow Nicky on LinkedIn to learn more about Alzheimer's and how you can make a difference:

In this Episode:

1:45 - How being single allows you to give more and follow your passions and dreams

3:20 - Nicky's journey to caregiving for people with Alzheimer's

5:40 - What Nicky has learned from caregiving

13:20 - What we can do to prevent Alzheimer's

16:20 - Benefits of walking

19:45 - What we should know about people with Alzheimer's

25:45 - How music therapy works for Alzheimer's patients

32:10 - What to expect in Nicky's book

39:15 - How Nicky uses her LinkedIn to share information about Alzheimer's

More From Nicky Sargant, Alzheimer’s Ambassador, Advocate and Champion

Gathering like-minded people to aid, assist and support a change in mindset for the betterment of Mankind. Together and United, we can bring about this Global mindset change, improve people’s quality of life as we clean up our Planet, for our generation and those to come.

Every 3 seconds someone in the world develops Dementia, with Alzheimer’s being the most common type.

My prime goal, as an Alzheimer’s Ambassador, Advocate and Champion, is to promote an awareness leading to a change in mindset, eliminating the stigmas attached to Alzheimer’s.

My challenge and passion is to be a voice of the voiceless, petitioning for changes and improvements to UK and International Laws, policies and procedures, to eliminate discrimination and uphold Safeguarding in all its forms. An awareness and mindset change into the way our food is farmed and processed, eliminating the use of insecticides, pesticides and antibiotics, which is clearly evident through studies to be one of the major factors of Alzheimer’s and attributing to cognitive decline.

Alzheimer’s could affect you, me or our families at any stage. Unlike Cancer, medical research has found no cure for Alzheimer’s, however, it is possible to prevent, to some degree, by focusing on your well-being, health and food. The best medicine is sunshine, exercise, organic food, stimulation and social activity.

I am passionate about looking at ways to manage Alzheimer’s through modern approaches, promoting the importance and benefits of functional medicines, diet, sleep, exercise, music, dance and simulation. Treatments increasing the quality of life and well-being of people with Alzheimer’s, in some cases many significant changes have taken place.

Functional medicine has substantial advantages over conventional medicine, especially at a time when our current healthcare system is overwhelmed; patients are limited to just 15- minutes consultation. Functional medicine investigates the root cause/s and treats accordingly, rather than treating the symptoms. New studies and research show profound links between, molds, mental toxicity, Lyme disease and Alzheimer’s.

I encourage conversations and education, to removing the stigma and social shame attached to Alzheimer’s, adopting positivity, awareness, optimism, and above all, hope. I have first- hand experience of the impact Alzheimer’s has on a person, and how that same person through lifestyle changes could begin to relive their life to the fullest, with much joy and happiness, being social engaging despite their cognitive impairments.

As an Alzheimer’s Ambassador, I advocate “Safeguarding” individuals with Alzheimer’s, their rights to live in safety, free from abuse, neglect and discrimination, while protecting their human rights, health and well-being, as outlined in the Care Act 2014. Supporting the Individual to maintain as much control as possible over their own lives, care and treatment. To be treated at all times with dignity and respect. To be able to live as independently as possible, for as long as possible.

During this COVID time we have done a great job. We have stopped, been still and regrouped, and let nature heal. Sadly, we have missed the human healing element! I am deeply concerned, at what cost to mankind, measures that have been implemented and administered might affect and impact upon us in years to come. My fear… a greater increase in Alzheimer’s and other Dementias due to the already brain fog and cognitive decline reported by many during COVID, especially those incubated. A concern worth addressing and investigating.

I feel passionate about the existing dangers that we as humans could be, on the verge of cognitive decline. I feel the missing link is cleaning up and healing us, as humans. There is lots of talk regarding leaky gut and leaky brain syndrome; how it affects our immune system. This could account for us being susceptible to disease and the existing pandemic.

My aim and goal, with the help of others, is to create a healthier holistic environment and world, where we can thrive once against as human beings. Studies show that 70% of nutritional value is absent from our food these days due to modern farming methods.

The UK and USA have one of the highest levels of Dementia in the world, compared to other countries. One cannot help ask themselves whether this is due to how we grow and process our food, which is responsible for in leaky gut therefore, compromising our immune system’s and ultimately our Brain Health!

As a Live-In-Carer, I care for aged vulnerable, assisting in all levels of caring in order to remain in own homes and environment. Caring mainly for people with Alzheimer’s, Dementia, encouraging an enhanced quality of life focusing on diet, stimulation, exercise, mental wellbeing through music, dancing, social engagements and outings.

My role as a Carer has provided me with much joy and reward, as I interact with the Aged at various stages in their lives and health conditions. It has allowed me to reach out and touch them in ways that are unique to each one of them, bringing diversity and creating a personal centered approach of care according to their needs and desires. A care focusing solely on them and adapted as and when the need arises. Creating a happy and fulfilling lifestyle adding purpose and joy as they near the end of their lives.

Would love to connect with you.