In this episode of the Single Mother Survival Guide Podcast, Julia talks with single mum Angela McMillan. Angela shares her story of becoming a single mum twice when both times the fathers of her babies and the men she was in a relationship with at the time, left when she was pregnant. 

We discuss how she adjusted to becoming a single mum the first time around versus the second time around, how Feldenkreis helped her to overcome postnatal depression both times around, the option of keeping the father off a birth certificate, challenges and benefits to becoming a single mum, and the positives to children being raised in a single parent home, and a lot more! 

Links mentioned in Podcast:

Move More Mindfully Connect with Angela on FacebookInstagram, or Twitter.  Join Angela'a Facebook Group "Fly Community - Freedom to Love Yourself" hereThe Lokahi Foundation is a not-for-profit set up by single mum and domestic and family violence survivor, Rachael Natoli. The Lokahi Foundation enable and empower women who have been the victims of domestic and family violence to reclaim their lives and reach their full potential through their ongoing case management. Your money will go directly to funding caseworkers for these women. Donate to the Single Mother Survival Guide City2Surf Team here.  Vote for me in the Mummy Blog Awards 2017 here

To contact Julia, email: [email protected].

For information about the single parent mentoring programs available with Julia, and to register your interest in the online course available soon, visit Single Mother Survival Guide Services.

Book in for your complimentary 30 minute Clarity Call with Julia here.  

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