In this week’s episode, I talk about decision-making and the questions you can ask yourself to help you reflect when you are making your decisions.

Getting into the habit of asking yourself these reflection questions can help you gain clarity and creates that inner dialogue to help you examine your own thoughts and feelings before making the tough and big decisions that will need to be made when you are going through divorce or separation.

Along with sharing these questions for you to ask yourself and reflect upon, in this episode I also share what to be mindful of so you can avoid self-sabotage, along with some actions that support decision-making.

It is my hope that this episode helps you become more intentional about setting aside time for reflection in order to help be aware and build confidence when making big decisions.

Links mentioned in the episode: 

Listen to Ep 301 – Four biggest mindset mistakes that can affect your decision-making - HERE.

Join the Thrive Tribe waitlist HERE

Download the E-book – Thirteen single mothers share their struggles, top tips, and their favourite things about being a single mother – HERE.

To contact Julia, email: [email protected].

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