In this episode, I talk about what steps to take when taking the high road when going through a divorce or separation.

In last week's episode, I talked about taking the high road after separation whilst dealing with heartbreak at the same time. In this episode, we go deeper into the topic of taking the high road.

This is really hard to do when emotions are high, especially as you go through the stages of grief.

Today I provide you with some action steps to help you take the high road so you can walk away with your integrity intact and head held high as you move forward.

I hope these tips help you regardless of whether you have been a single mum for years or if you're a brand new single mum. 

Links mentioned in the episode: 

Jump on the waitlist for Thrive Tribe HERE

Download the E-book – Thirteen single mothers share their struggles, top tips, and their favourite things about being a single mother – HERE.

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