This week on the show I have an anonymous single mum sharing her story. She's a single mum of 2 kids - a 3-year old and a 3-month old.

My guest had always thought she and her partner had a good life. They had been together for 7.5 years and they rarely argued. They spent much of their time travelling the world together.

She was studying for her Masters when they had an unplanned pregnancy, which caught her off guard as she was only a few weeks out from completing it and was about to pursue a new career.

Life was good when they had their first baby. They bought a house and had good times together exploring new places. But things quickly changed when she saw changes in her partner's demeanour and when he began a strong friendship with a girl from his work. Until one day, when she got completely blindsided and was told by him that he wanted to separate.

In this episode, my guest talks about:

trusting the process when you have an unexpected pregnancy, as it has a habit of working things out in the end, the challenges of becoming a first-time mum, the challenges of shifting identity from doing what she wanted when she wanted and adjusting to motherhood, how she didn't feel fully supported by her partner when it came to caring for the baby, not addressing the unspoken expectations about the shared responsibilities of being a parent, the signs and changes in the behaviour of her partner when she found out he was texting another woman, how she was eventually blindsided by her partner's sudden decision to leave her while she was just pregnant with their second baby, her decision to move back to her parents to get the support she needed, juggling career and pregnancy while taking care of her first child, co-parenting with her ex, moving into her own place and starting the next chapter, and so much more! Stay tuned for Part 2 of her story that drops next week.

Links mentioned in the episode: 

Jump on the waitlist for Thrive Tribe HERE

Download the E-book – Thirteen single mothers share their struggles, top tips, and their favourite things about being a single mother – HERE.

To contact Julia, email: [email protected].

Visit us at Single Mother Survival Guide. And join the email list there too.

Or connect with Single Mother Survival Guide on FacebookInstagramTwitter, or Pinterest.

This week on the show I have an anonymous single mum sharing her story. She's a single mum of 2 kids - a 3-year old and a 3-month old.

My guest had always thought she and her partner had a good life. They had been together for 7.5 years and they rarely argued. They spent much of their time travelling the world together.

She was studying for her Masters when they had an unplanned pregnancy, which caught her off guard as she was only a few weeks out from completing it and was about to pursue a new career.

Life was good when they had their first baby. They bought a house and had good times together exploring new places. But things quickly changed when she saw changes in her partner's demeanour and when he began a strong friendship with a girl from his work. Until one day, when she got completely blindsided and was told by him that he wanted to separate.

In this episode, my guest talks about:

trusting the process when you have an unexpected pregnancy, as it has a habit of working things out in the end, the challenges of becoming a first-time mum, the challenges of shifting identity from doing what she wanted when she wanted and adjusting to motherhood, how she didn't feel fully supported by her partner when it came to caring for the baby, not addressing the unspoken expectations about the shared responsibilities of being a parent, the signs and changes in the behaviour of her partner when she found out he was texting another woman, how she was eventually blindsided by her partner's sudden decision to leave her while she was just pregnant with their second baby, her decision to move back to her parents to get the support she needed, juggling career and pregnancy while taking care of her first child, co-parenting with her ex, moving into her own place and starting the next chapter, and so much more! Stay tuned for Part 2 of her story that drops next week.

Links mentioned in the episode: 

Jump on the waitlist for Thrive Tribe HERE

Download the E-book – Thirteen single mothers share their struggles, top tips, and their favourite things about being a single mother – HERE.

To contact Julia, email: [email protected].

Visit us at Single Mother Survival Guide. And join the email list there too.

Or connect with Single Mother Survival Guide on FacebookInstagramTwitter, or Pinterest.

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