This week on the show, I have Heidi Hadley joining me.

Heidi originally trained in mainstream medicine as a Medical Technical Officer in Neurophysiology at the University Hospital (formerly the Queen Elizabeth) Birmingham, UK. It was whilst working there that a number of her patients suffering from side effects to their anti-epileptic drugs informed her that they received regular complementary/natural therapy treatments to alleviate the side effects of their pharmaceutical drugs.

After thorough research, Heidi decided to study and train in Natural Therapies. Heidi has also completed a Phytotherapy course with Bioforce UK, studying the use of herbs with health. Heidi has a holistic approach to her treatments. Rather than deal with the symptoms of a problem, she aims to deal with the root cause. Treating the whole person is Heidi's objective.

Heidi started her career in natural therapies in 2001 and has acquired many different techniques over the years to bring greater choice to her clients. She ran clinics in England treating people with serious disabilities and many of these clients suffered from Multiple Sclerosis.

Heidi is the founder of Total Somatics®, an online program designed to reduce pain, improve posture, increase mobility, develop mindfulness and allow you to resume or continue with the activities you love to do. She is a Certified Clinical Somatic Educator and Somatic Movement Teacher in the work of Thomas Hanna. Heidi is also a qualified Pilates instructor. This gives her clients greater awareness of their bodies, movement patterns and educating them with a skill set so they can perform specific exercises for 10-20 minutes each day in the comfort and privacy of their own home.

In this episode,  Heidi discusses:

How stress can mould our posture. Resetting - pandiculation - the process we use to create greater awareness of our internal environment. What we can learn from within the animal kingdom. How we can identify when we are switching into subconscious stress patterns and behaviours. What we can do to break these old patterns for new healthy patterns. Creating flexibility and resilience for our nervous system

Links mentioned in the episode:

Find out more about Heidi here, and get lots of free resources here. You can also check out her podcast: Somatic Movement & Mindset. which is available on all major podcast platforms.

Connect with Heidi on Instagram and Facebook, or YouTube here.

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To contact Julia, email: [email protected].

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