This week on the show, single mum Kimberley shares part 1 of her story.

In this episode, Kimberley talks about growing up in a single mum household and the relationship she had with her own father. Never did she expect to have a similar situation as she grew up and had her own children.

In Part 1 of this series, Kimberley talks about the night she met her husband, and how (what she thought was going to be) a one night stand turned into a relationship.

She didn't know it at the time, but this relationship would last many many years and turn very toxic and abusive.

Kimberley shares how there were some jealous tendencies and red flags during the early days of her relationship, but overall it wasn't too bad until they moved in together. Then things changed. 

She fairly quickly found out about his debts, and soon became unexpectedly pregnant. It was at this stage that things took a turn for the worse. She started seeing some strange behaviour from her partner. He had a very nonchalant reaction to the pregnancy and decided to take up smoking, despite never having smoked and knowing full well that Kimberley had quit cold turkey upon finding out she was pregnant and was struggling. He had also started treating Kimberley horribly. 

Kimberley shares how she got very unwell prior to giving birth, and also afterwards. She was diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy and her partner refused to pay for the medication that she needed.

This was only the beginning of the abuse that Kimberley endured during her relationship with her ex. 

Stay tuned for Part 2, dropping next week.

Links mentioned in the episode:

Jump on the waitlist for Thrive Tribe HERE.

Download the E-book – Thirteen single mothers share their struggles, top tips, and their favourite things about being a single mother – HERE.

To contact Julia, email: [email protected].

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