This week on the show, I have Nikki Knieriem joining me.

Nikki is the owner of Mum-Me Fit Time, a mother of two young boys, a part-time primary school teacher and a lover of all things health. Nikki is passionate about helping women to optimise their health by focusing on four main pillars; exercise, nutrition, sleep and stress reduction. Through her own experiences as a mum, she understands that time is limited, the to-do list is always long and often your own self-care practices fall further down the priority list. Nikki loves helping women to unlock barriers and practice self-care without adding overwhelm or one more thing to the to-do list. 

In this episode,  Nikki shares:

How the four pillars of health all interlink. How to increase movement in your day even when there is no time to exercise. How to overcome exercise mindset barriers. 

Links mentioned in the episode:

Find out more about Nikki, and download her 7 days of 5-minute workouts here.

Connect with Nikki on Instagram and Facebook, or email her here.

Jump on the waitlist for Thrive Tribe HERE.

To contact Julia, email: [email protected].

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