This week on the show, I have a single mum, Kate, sharing her story.

Kate has been a single mum for 2.5 years and is a part of my Thrive Tribe community. 

Kate shares:

How she suffered from anxiety but didn't realise it was due to the relationship. Her experience with gaslighting. How her ex was deployed for five months during her pregnancy, and how she felt lighter and happier and didn't realise until later that it was because he was away.  What it was like having a new baby in a relationship that felt very fragile. Discovering her husband/s affair and his denial of it. Her experience of marriage counselling. Coming to the decision to divorce her husband. The positive changes that she has implemented since becoming a single mum. And SO MUCH MORE!

Links mentioned in the episode:

Jump on the waitlist for Thrive Tribe HERE.

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