This week on the show, I have Liz joining me. For 25 years, Liz was married to a gambling addict.

In hindsight, the first red flag was when her ex never paid her back for her engagement ring. He had told her he wasn't good with money and had spent the money intended for the ring. 

One day Liz went to buy groceries from the joint spending account and all the money was gone. Over time, her ex finally admitted to having a gambling problem. 

When Liz was in hospital having their first baby, her ex completely drained her bank accounts. The same thing happened when she was in hospital having their second baby.

Not wanting anyone thinking badly of him, she kept the secret to herself and spent years covering for him and paying people back that he owed money to. 

Over the years, things went from bad to worse, and he even started gaslighting her, which resulted in Liz thinking she was imagining things. They experienced breaking up and getting back together, gambling counselling and rehab attempts, holidays where he disappeared gambling the entire time, suicide attempts and threats, and so much more. Liz shares how her ex even stole money from their daughters.

This is a sad story, but ultimately one of hope, inspiration, and empowerment. Liz finds the strength to leave her husband and her toxic marriage for good and starts the new chapter of her life. 

In this episode, Liz shares Part 1 of her story (stay tuned for next week, where she shares Part 2). 

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