This week, Kellie Moses joins me on the show.   Considered a healer for all, Kellie helps women and children who have lived through grief, trauma and heartache to shed and let go of the residual negative emotion and energy that is in their bodies.   She has worked with women who have experienced sexual, physical, emotional and verbal abuse and have helped them to shift the trauma, energy and subconscious beliefs and bring them back into landing safely in their bodies, minds, souls and hearts. She works with women to process and navigate inner child work, taking them back to painful, traumatic experiences and guiding them to sit, receive, open up and communicate with their own inner child.   Kellie specialises in working with mothers and women who seek direction for clearing their limiting beliefs attributed to negative emotions. By helping her clients rediscover a new sense of peace, alignment and self-love, they are able to reconnect to their true selves, carving out some time to process and transmute any negative emotion that is trapped in their auric, energetic or emotional field.   Kellie helps guide her clients to explore their subconscious narratives and emotions towards a new narrative and abundant reality and to break the patterns they are running and that are being passed on through family lineage.

In this episode, Kellie shares her experience of becoming a single mum. She talks about the financial struggles and panic attacks that came with it, her co-parenting relationship and arrangement, and how motherhood changed her priorities and led her to a complete career overhaul from teacher to energy healer. 

We also talk about her son's first day of pre-school, and the emotions that came with that, the lack of support that exists when women miscarry, and her connection to her inner self and her spirituality and how that evolved from when she was a child.

In addition, Kellie runs us through what the seven Chakras are and why it's important that they are clear, how a "person clearing", "womb clearing", and "spiralling" can help us, and getting back into our feminine energy. 

Finally, she runs us through her advice for new single mums!

Links mentioned in the episode:

Jump on the Thrive Tribe waitlist HERE.

Connect with Kellie on Instagram here.

To contact Julia, email: [email protected].

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