Alisa is a single mum and has four boys.

After a wildfire in her neighbouring town in California, Alisa decided to pack up, sell her things, and go travelling with her youngest two boys who are 6 and 8 years old. They booked their flight to the Philippines to start a travelling adventure. And then COVID-19 hit. After booking flights to other international places such as Ireland and France, which were also subsequently cancelled, they decided to travel around the USA. 

In this episode, Alisa chats with Julia about:

adapting plans, going after what you want to do, homeschooling whilst travelling,  the benefits of travelling, how  she is funding her travels, what she likes about being a single mum, and so much more!

Links mentioned in the episode:

Connect with Alisa on Youtube, Facebook and Instagram @Ourlighttravels.

To contact Julia, email: [email protected].

Visit us at Single Mother Survival Guide

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