In this episode, I have Marie, a single mum and member of my Thrive Tribe community joining me.

Marie met her husband when they were both working in the British Royal Navy. They served on the same ship together for over five years at which point they decided she would leave so they could get married and have children. 

After they got married and had a child, their marriage started to present cracks, and Marie agreed to immigrate to Australia with her husband in the hope that things would get better for their relationship.

Marie found herself, mostly alone, in a foreign country, with a toddler and a new baby and suffering with Post Natal Depression. 

At the same time, her relationship with her husband got worse and the emotional abuse she was receiving increased.

They moved across the country to be closer to her (then) husband's parents and things only got worse. Her husband and his family were incredibly unsupportive of her joining the Police Force Academy to fulfil her dream of joining the Police Force. To make matters worse, Marie then suffered a stroke.

Before long she realised she had completely lost herself.

In this episode, Marie shares her story. She talks about:

what it was like being a female in the British Royal Navy, leaving the navy and the shift in dynamics in the relationship, immigrating to Australia and becoming a new mum, being diagnosed with PND, dealing with emotional abuse from her (now) ex-husband, relocating to Western Australia, losing herself, having a stroke and recovering, dealing with her intrusive in-laws, the moment she was on the train and realised she wanted to leave her husband, discovering that her husband was a narcissist, separating from her subsequent partner, how Thrive Tribe has helped her and given her the nudge she needed, how she has started turning her life around, and so much more.

Today, Marie is a single mum, she has a positive go-getter attitude, she is a full-time police officer, she is starting to get back to being her, and is working on improving things every day. I'm incredibly proud of Marie; she is a true inspiration!

Links mentioned in the episode:

Join Thrive Tribe here.

To contact Julia, email: [email protected].

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