Next Episode: 216 - Quick update

Megan Dalla-Camina is the Founder and CEO of Women Rising, a best-selling author, women’s mentor, speaker and coach and one of the world’s leading experts on women’s leadership, wellbeing and empowerment.

Megan is a global advocate for women, dedicated to helping women step into their power, create what they truly want and live with grace, ease and wellbeing. She's appeared on NBC, CNN, CBS News, and in hundreds of media outlets including Forbes and as a columnist for Psychology Today. She also has two masters degrees, a partial PhD and yoga and meditation teaching qualifications. 

Along with all of this, Megan has a 19-year-old son and has been a single mum since he was 18 months old.

In this episode, Megan shares her career and single mum journeys with us.

We also talk about:

Gender and leadership. Burnout. Work boundaries. Finding your purposeful path. Confidence. And so much more.

Links mentioned in the episode:

Thrive Tribe opens September 30th. Jump on the waitlist HERE.

Women Rising Website

Download the Inner Critic Guide HERE.

Sign up to Megan's Radical Confidence Masterclass HERE.

Find more on Megan HERE.

Connect with Megan on Instagram here and here

To contact Julia, email: [email protected].

Visit us at Single Mother Survival Guide

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