Samantha X is a journalist, an author, a business owner, a high-class escort and a madam. And she’s also a single mum.  

I'm delighted to have Samantha X on the show this week. We talk about:

single motherhood, what life is really like as a high-class escort, the types of clients she has, what the other mums at school think of her career, her incredible sobriety journey, co-parenting, studying counselling, coaching, and so much more!

Links mentioned in the episode:

Sign up to the 10 day FREE Get your Sparkle Back Challenge HERE.

Jump on the waitlist for Thrive Tribe HERE.

Checkout podcast episode 202 - Introducing Thrive Tribe HERE

For help with alcohol abuse, visit RecoverySouth Pacific Private, and check out the book: This Naked Mind by Annie Grace.

Visit Samantha X After Dark HERE.

Connect with Samantha X on Instagram HERE and Twitter HERE

To contact Julia, email: [email protected].

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