Canna Campbell is a financial planner, YouTube personality on SugarMamma.TV and author of The $1000 Project and, soon to be released, Mindful Money.

In this episode, Canna chats with me about:

The $1000 project and how becoming a single mum inspired her to start it. Savings tips. Shares, dividends, and passive income as a form of wealth creation. How to know what to do with your money - debts, emergency funds, saving for a house etc.  Her tips for new single mums. Plus SO much more. 

On her YouTube channel, Canna shares bite-sized tips on how to get out of debt, save money, achieve financial goals and build long-term passive income and makes money and finance more approachable, and even fun!  

Canna is passionate about educating, inspiring and empowering every individual to create financial harmony, freedom and independence in their lives, and in this week's episode, we chat all about this for single mums. 

Links mentioned in the episode:

Visit Canna's website here.  Watch Canna's YouTube channel, Sugarmamma.TV here. Connect with Canna on Instagram here, and on Facebook here

To contact Julia, email: [email protected].

Visit us at Single Mother Survival Guide

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