In this episode of the Single Mother Survival Guide Podcast Julia chats with one of Australia’s leading Relationship and Sex Experts, Isiah McKimmie.

Julia and Isiah talk about all things SEX AND BODY IMAGE. They discuss the perception that mums can’t be sexual, why mothers are struggling to find their sense of sensuality and desire again, the male perception of a mother's sexuality, and what celebrity mothers are doing for the perception of sexuality in society. 

Isiah also shares her advice:

for any mother getting herself out there and feeling confident sexually if it's been a while, and having sex with a new partner; getting emotionally ready, and the potential of carrying forward old issues from the past; getting past the body image insecurities which can lead to feeling extremely self-conscious when it comes to getting naked and having sex;  shutting the inner critic down during sex; and LOTS MORE!

Isiah also shares her tips for any women whose bodies may have taken a toll due to illnesses such as cancer, and who are struggling to feel comfortable with their body image and sex. 

Isiah is a passionate couples therapist, sex therapist, sexologist and tantra expert who has been helping women and couples discover deeper intimacy and desire for over a decade.  

One of the most qualified Sex and Relationship Experts in Australia, Isiah holds a Masters degree in Relational Psychotherapy, a Master degree in Science in Medicine (Sexual Counselling/Psychosexual Therapy), a Post-Graduate Diploma of Sexology and a Certificate from the prestigious Institute for the Advanced Studies of Human Sexuality.  

She has been featured in or written for publications such as Harper’s Bazaar, The Huffington Post, Mamamia, Cosmo, the SMH, Cleo, My Body and Soul and has been on the Today Show and SBS. She is the go to expert on sex in Australia.

Links mentioned in the episode:

Connect with Isiah on TwitterFacebook or Instagram

Sign up to the Don't Just Survive, THRIVE online program for single mums here.

To contact Julia, email: [email protected].

For information about the single parent mentoring programs available with Julia, visit Single Mother Survival Guide Services.

Book in for your complimentary 30 minute Clarity Call with Julia here

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