In this episode of Simply Straight Talk, Reggie will ge discussing the conflict between men and women. Some people would suggest the relationship between men and women was once simple. In the early years (30's, 40.s and 50's), the men worked and most women were considered homemakers. In the  later years, women became more active in the workplace, balancing family and work life became a prime aspiration of modern mothers. Feminism movements were steadily growing. For men the MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) movement would later begin to grown. 

The reality of time would prove that men and women  are not truly prepared for the change in relationships and workplace positions. Modern day relationships consist of women making more money and in some cases taking the role as the head of households. While some men still maintain their position as role model for their family. Most media platforms use the male as the stage for jokes regarding a mans ability to raise kids. 

Have you ever wondered why are men and women in such competition with each other? Why does certain words such as independent and strong create a verbal boxing match between men and women? Let's discuss it on this episode of Simply Straight Talk.