In today's episode of Simply Straight Talk, Reggie is discussing the challenges of dealing with issues from your past, while embracing relationship.

We have all made mistakes in our past that we would love to be able to erase from our history, but unfortunately, that's not always possible. I love how movies can create the most dramatic problems and they are all resolved in less than 2 hours.

Cinematic endings rarely translate over into reality. In the movies, someone will disclose a hurtful part of their past, someone cries, one person walks out and, within an hour or two, the world is perfect and all is well in television land. For those of us living in the real world, we know all too well that life does not follow a script. Irrespective of how much you rehearse the words or prepare the perfect setting, you cannot account for the other person’s reactions when you share something with them.

So what are some of the actual dilemmas from our past that may cause two people to skirmish within themselves about their past mistakes? Well, start the show to find out!

Simply Straight Talk