On this episode of Simply Straight Talk, Reggie will be discussing the overwhelming concern from some women regarding the lack of effort from men to protect them when needed.

Now, with women coming into their own, certain customary values that exist between men and women are quickly becoming obsolete. Honestly, I can’t tell you how many times I have overheard a woman declare that she can defend herself or doesn’t require a man to fight for her because she is not weak. This mentality seems to be a fast-growing among certain women. Now, we have many men who are more than content to simply mind their own business and intentionally avoid getting involved at all. For me, this is disconcerting, as we have the two genders, which together can create life, leaving each other to what could potentially be a harmful fate. 

After listening to this podcast please share your thoughts on the commentary from this show. Do you feel men need to do more regarding defending women? Would you say, women, should provide more details regarding their thoughts on and definition of protection?