Today I’m talking cash. We all want it, you know you need it but so many of us are not really controlling it.  

Businesses that succeed understand that without visibility into their cashflow they risk steering their business off track.  I’ve worked with countless business owners over the years and I constantly see people ignoring their cashflow until it's almost too late.

Here’s a big heads up for you - You can be a highly profitable, multi million dollar business and still have cashflow issues that can take you down. In another podcast I’ll explain exactly how that can be but for now just trust on that - it’s a thing.  Making a profit doesn’t always mean you have cash.

Today I want to give you a heads up to what might be quietly causing you cashflow issues in the background of your business.

There are six common mistakes that can silently cripple cashflow and can kill a business. Here’s all 6 of my top tips to avoid a cashflow crisis.  The I’ll dive a little deeper into each one for you.

Measure your Gross Profit 

Keep control of your finances

Chase the people who owe you money

Control your outgoings

Avoid the debt trap

Forecast your cashflow