I want to talk to you about experts. Not all experts are created equally. I want to premise this by saying not all experts are bad! But not all experts are great and not all experts are even experts!  

Who are these experts? They are the people we give our time and our money too to solve specific issues that we are not equipped to solve on our own. These are the people we take advice from to grow, scale and change-up our businesses. 

The website expert, the branding expert, the copywriting expert, the mindset expert, the legal, accounting, coach, consultant, marketing, social media or technology and so many more different types of experts that we can place our trust in. 

But first, why am I talking about this today? Because it’s incredibly important that we surround ourselves and take advice from the *right* people. The reason being that the *wrong* people can kinda lead us up the garden path. Slow us down, cost us money and waste our time. Now, you already know this. But I’m going to be brutally honest here and say that I’ve seen so many people become overnight experts in so many things that it’s starting to make my head spin and I think its a cause for - not concern but it gives us cause for caution.