Previous Episode: Censorship in America
Next Episode: God, Guns & Rock n Roll

President Ronald Reagan is famously quoted as having said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are 'I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.'” This current administration is intentionally trying to destroy our country, something for which there is more and more evidence.

On the day that Joe Biden took office, he signed fifteen executive orders including one that mandated 100 days of wearing masks even though we now know that masks don't work. The pandemic and the vaccine that resulted are both ways that world leaders are trying to depopulate the planet, and I provide claims that help support that, including quotes from Dr. Naomi Wolf's Substack that claims that one potential side effect of getting vaccinated is becoming infected with the COVID virus itself.

The vaccine has also been linked to reproductive issues, further fueling the idea that the insidious objective behind the vaccine is genocide. Dr. Wolf's Substack also offers plenty of evidence from the Bible to support all of this. We're living in Biblical, apocalyptic times. They're killing us, distracting us with equality and human rights movements such as the LGBTQ movement, and it's time that we wake up and start paying attention. We have to act now before it's too late.


Time Stamps

[0:27] – Shemane has both good news and bad news to share.

[1:02] – Shemane shares a soundbite providing evidence of deliberate depopulation.

[2:15] – When Biden took office, he signed executive orders including mandated masks.

[3:56] – Biden also signed orders to defund the police and cancel the keystone pipeline.

[4:34] – Shemane argues that the 2020 election was stolen.

[6:04] – Shemane provides examples of things that are distracting us.

[7:37] – Shemane reads from Dr. Naomi Wolf's Substack.

[9:42] – One side effect of getting vaccinated is getting infected with COVID itself.

[11:06] – Shemane circles back to the Dr. Wolf Substack, providing another quote.

[13:10] – Shemane gives more examples of side effects that were not made available to us.

[15:07] – Shemane claims that the vaccine negatively impacts reproduction.

[17:31] – We are living in apocalyptic times.

[20:21] – All God wants is for us to walk alongside Him.

[21:51] – Shemane encourages us to wake up and pay attention.



Outspoken with Dr Naomi Wolf - “Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide”


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