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I am talking to my husband Ted today in part because one of today's topics is guns, and Ted is a gun aficionado. Ted talks about his history with guns and how he has been safely handling them for most of his life as is Nugent tradition. He touches on what made him realize that he didn't ever want to be without a gun, describing it as a tool no different than a knife or guitar pick. He realized that, statistically, victims of violent crimes were more likely to survive the violent encounters if they had guns handy and were not unarmed and helpless.

Ted also shares his thoughts regarding the recent school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, calling into question some of the suspicious aspects of the event. We also dive into the media and the government and how they aren't trustworthy and seem to be trying to divide us by not focusing on the real issues that actually matter. We also offer some tips on how to enact change such as hitting up and and getting involved politically on the local level.

When it comes to the recent Uvalde shooting, we also point out that while the media likes to blame guns, it's not blaming violent video games which are teaching our kids how to shoot guns in the first place. They also are not talking about the link between health and the way that Americans tend to eat, which tends to consist of a lot of fast food. We also touch a little bit on rock and roll, velvet couches, and German Shepherds, so be sure to tune in and stay tuned for it all, and until next time, be sure to get Ted's new album Detroit Muscle at!


Time Stamps

[0:27] – Shemane welcomes us back and reveals today's topic.

[1:25] – Ted describes and delineates his love for guns.

[2:42] – Discover why Ted always has a gun on him.

[5:18] – Ted emphasizes that he always has a gun on him.

[7:27] – Hear about Ted's thoughts on the recent school shooting in Uvalde.

[10:03] – Training dictates hearing gunfire and going toward it.

[12:44] – Ted argues that an AR-15 plays no role in the body count.

[14:44] – AR does not stand for Assault Rifle.

[15:58] – Shemane laments that the topic of guns has divided the country.

[17:09] – Ted defines the human dream.

[19:40] – Ted argues that there is a lot of treasonous behavior in the government right now.

[20:51] – Is the government opening its borders to increase democrat votes?

[23:51] – Ted urges listeners to join him and Shemane at

[26:10] – Shemane argues that people need to get involved locally.

[28:44] – Ted defends himself from being called radical by people.

[30:53] – Shemane circles back to the Uvalde shooting.

[33:51] – The conversation is shifted to the unhealthy American diet.

[36:06] – Shemane and Ted talk about Keith Richards.

[39:05] – Ted has a very loving German Shepherd sitting next to him on a velvet couch!



Hunter Nation - Website

Hunt the Vote - Website

The Dana Show with Dana Loesch - Podcast

The Epoch Times - “Preventing Cancer and Chronic Diseases With the Nutritarian Diet”

Ted Nugent - Website


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