Chant this Sankalpa for 108 times on full moon Pournami days and 9 times on all other days during Guru Hora or Sukhra Hora to attract prosperity to you.

Light any oil lamp. Keep 108 coins / 9 coins as needed as count. Keep some white flowers. For each mantra chanting, keep a flower and a coin in your hand. Put them down after chanting each mantra.

Dhanakrshna Sankalpa
Hari Om, Sree Om, Aiyum, Kliyum, Chavvum

Chandra Lakshmiye Namaha!

Krum Kreem

Swarna Lakshmiye Namaha!

Vang Sung Dung Ring

Veera Lakshmiye Namaha!

Om Hum Sarva

Baghya Lakshmiye Namaha!

Navvyum Mavvum Nadu Ezhuthagiya

Surya Lakshmiye Namaha!

Theiva Vasya, Bhootha Vasya, Loga Vasya, Raja Vasya,

Jana Vasya, Purusha Vasya, Sthree Vasya, Putra Sampath Vasya,

Naga Logathil Undagindra Sarva Jeeva Pranigalum

Un Vasam Aanar Pol En Vasam Aaga

Vasya Vasya Om Swaha!
Be blessed by divine

Vazhga Valamudan,
Be Blessed,
Krish Murali Eswar.

Visit to awaken your Kundalini and mediate on your life-force to succeed in your life.

Visit to transmute sexual energy into spiritual energy.

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Be Blessed by the Divine,
Prof. Krish Murali Eswar.

PS: Remember, I am here to help you succeed.

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