What’s an osteopath, right? I wondered the same thing before talking with Avni Trivedi — I’d heard of the term, I just wasn’t sure… Basically, picture a calm woman with a soothing voice in the heart of London, who invests in the health of other women, mind, body, and soul. That's Avni.

She says her approach brings together East and West, bridging the relationship between body and mind, and touch is core to everything she does: she uses skilled touch, careful adjustments and gentle movements to integrate different parts of your body. She’s also a doula and something called a zero-balancer. We’ll get into that.

Notes From This Episode:

Avni’s site, Avni Touch Avni on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram Tsh on Instagram and Twitter The Four Desires, by Rod Stryker In October, I’ll be at Nest Fest and at The Popcast Live — come say hi! Kindly leave a review Become a patron: Support this podcast + get access to my secret show Sign up for 5 Quick Things, the weekly email For any links and codes from our lovely sponsors, head here

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