Today, host Brett Snodgrass and guest Michael Stansbury discuss the multifaceted nature of humility and its transformative power in various aspects of life. Together, they discuss the antidote to pride as they paint vivid portraits of individuals who embody humility in their everyday lives. They reflect on the delicate balance between striving for success and maintaining a humble spirit, particularly for business owners and leaders. Drawing from the timeless wisdom of C.S. Lewis, Andrew Murray, St. Augustine, and Mother Teresa, Brett and Michael offer practical guidance for cultivating humility, ensuring continuous reflection and growth. They also emphasize passages from the scriptures, illuminating the divine call for humility. As the ultimate example of humility, they discuss how the life of Jesus in Philippians 2 serves as a source of inspiration. Imitating Christ's humility becomes a transformative journey, leading to spiritual growth and the joy of aligning with God's will. Explore humility with us, and learn how it can guide us towards a life grounded in love, compassion, and understanding. Tune in now!