I’ve thought of many things, most of which were never true. Or at least it never came to fruition. Although, I still let my mind wander into the black hole that can take a common headache and make it a death sentence with one quick conclusion that it must be brain cancer.

Looking back, it seems silly to have thought such things. But there are other normalized thoughts that are just as silly, but because they’re normal, they get overlooked. In time, they become our reality.

What you think creates your action, no matter how much you will yourself to do something different.

Researchers estimate we have upwards of 70,000 thoughts each day. Contrary to popular belief, these thoughts aren’t floating around in the space between your skull. They have a biological impact, changing the action you live and the outcome you experience.

Ironically, of those 70,000 thoughts, at least 95% are the same as they were yesterday. Our mind follows loops and repeated patterns because patterns are a form of safety. You must understand your thought loops and why you have them to healthify your thoughts.

Inside this podcast, my husband Payton and I talk about our five years process of doing the work to improve our minds with healthy thoughts and what we found in the process. It may shock you as it goes against the self-help norm.


Learn more: https://thelivingwell.com/290