If you're tired, you're not alone. Most of the population falls somewhere between exhausted and just going through the motions. Being tired seems to be the American way of life.
But it's not supposed to be that way.

Energy is something we all have. It's inside of us. The first law of thermodynamics proves this by stating; energy is neither created nor destroyed but only altered.

You have what you need. Even if it feels like your energy is lacking, it's not. It's just being suppressed or channeled in a way that makes you feel like you have no energy. How your body channels energy changes what you feel, producing action accordingly.

Think of it like a lightbulb. A lightbulb can exist, but without energy, the bulb never glows. The same holds true for your body, the energy is there, but you must turn the switch on to experience it. How you turn that switch is determined by the safety of your body.

In times of stress, your body down-regulates your energy production, leading it to store, hoard and conserve energy rather than use it. In times of safety, health, and nourishment, your body has abundant energy to use to live.

The question isn't, what happened to your energy, but why is your body altering the flow of energy to conserve it rather than use it?

You don't have to be tired all the time. Your body was made to thrive. Learning how to live that way is the secret to health. Inside this podcast, I dive into what energy is and how to get more energy. Take a listen to learn this life-giving health information.


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