Fasting was one of the hottest wellness trends of the last few years - specifically, intermittent fasting. But fasting isn't something new, in fact, fasting has been around since the beginning of creation. It was a part of human history. 

However, since the industrial revolution and the birth of the food industry, fasting has fallen by the way-side. It has only been in the last few years that science has started really digging into the health benefits of fasting that we have started seeing trends back toward this practice. 

But there is a massive difference between intermittent fasting, which should be considered more of a way of life and not fasting in itself and a prolonged fast. While there are pros to intermittent fasting, for everyday health, the massive health benefits are found in prolonged fasting of 3-5 days.

Inside today's podcast I speak with one of the leading researchers from the Longevity Institute out of the University of Southern California, Dr. Joseph Antoun. Inside this episode, I ask Dr. Antoun:

The difference between intermittent fasting and prolonged fasting. The latest research in prolonged fasting and cancer healing. What we know about fasting from history. How long is long enough to achieve the benefits. How to effectively incorporate prolonged fasting into your life rhythms.

It blew my mind and was exactly the message I feel we all need to hear. Make sure you listen and keep reading for my review of a five-day fast. 


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