Want to get healthier? Let your enneagram number be your guide. Inside I teach enneagram type nine how to use their type for health. Getting outside of standard health benchmarks and learning how to live in health rather than for it! 

Nine's, you bring light and comfort to the world that people rely on. While you see turmoil and the daily stress of keeping the peace, you give an enormous amount of positivity to everyone you encounter. 

You are genuinely receptive, accepting, and emotionally stable. So much so that you often suppress your own feelings, lacking a sense of awareness to fight for peace. While we love this about you - we don't want you to stop loving yourself for other people. 

That is the easy trap for the nine to get into - giving so much to other people they are too exhausted to give back to themselves. But I want you to remember that the only way you can fill someone up is first to fill yourself. To come to health not as another exhausting task that you don't enjoy but to find comfort and life inside of it. 

Inside this episode, we talk about how enneagram nines can live in health, all while honoring the comfort and peace they crave.

We've also created a free download for teaching you how to make health who you are through your enneagram number. Download the guide, print it off, and see how much it resonates with your life. 


Learn more: https://simplerootswellness.com/197