If you've never had a craving then I question if you're even human? Because as biology states, cravings are necessary and normal. So the question is less about how you stop them and instead how you manage them for success.

Because if you're human, you're going to crave things.

Now I know that can be frustrating, but I promise you, learning to free yourself from the power of the craving and learning to channel that into health can make all of the difference.

Inside the podcast, I share the anatomy of a craving. Everything including the purpose, where cravings come from and how you can manage them. As you will learn, it's not just a matter of willpower, and you aren't weak if you can't overcome them. They are true biological and physiological process happening inside your body through many different enzymes, neurotransmitters, and hormones.

Complicated, sure?

But the truth, the answer to overcoming hormones is the answer I give for everything else. Find out the five ways to overcome your cravings inside. And keep reading to uncover the best kinds of sugar and chocolate you should be consuming.


Learn more: https://simplerootswellness.com/117